Apple Mothership - 2020/02/04 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day
Most people know me as an Android enthusiast and to poke a little bit of fun at those who use fruity devices. What many of you don’t know is that I do indeed use fruity devices to varying degrees, and this week I unboxed a new Apple iPhone 11 (PRODUCT)RED. Today’s t-shirt of the day is a limited edition Apple t-shirt from the Infinite Loop campus in Cupertino, California.
“Cupertino. Home of the Mothership.”
Now, don’t expect me to be standing in a queue for the next product launch, but be aware that I do use some of the Cupertino company’s devices. Enjoy my video of the unboxing of the Apple iPhone 11 (PRODUCT)RED on the Tech Travel Geeks YouTube Channel.