Don't Tread on My Internet - 2020/01/08 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

Don't Tread on My Internet - 2020/01/08 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

The “Don’t Tread On My Internet” t-shirt is one from late 2011 and the protests against proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation that would have broken the internet.

Don’t Tread On My Internet

I like this design, as it is a riff on the Gadsden flag, replacing the snake head with an RJ45 connector.

By Christopher Gadsden (1724–1805), Lexicon, Vikrum - Own work, Public Domain,

While SOPA and PIPA did not become legislation, many similar threats are still proposed by many entities wanting to limit/break the internet as we know it.

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Niffler with Snitch - 2020/01/09 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

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Nobody Hugs Me - 2020/01/07 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day