Thomas the Tank Qwertee - 2020/01/20 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day
In the current climate of virtue signalling and flight shame, rail is often referred to as the solution for travel (if you don’t have a yacht). Thomas the Tank Engine is fashionable again among parents curating content for their younglings and that reminded me that I have a t-shirt which is close…
Thomas the Tank from Qwertee
Thomas the Tank is a marvellous mashup from Qwertee, where Thomas has a Robust Controller his the turret.
I’m starting to wonder if Germany will appropriate the Thomas der Panzer character for their new European Army thing since they can’t afford to stay part of NATO.
This t-shirt is another one from Qwertee, which was a limited edition one. Check out Qwertee to see if you can find something else on theme: (referral link).